Pledge Fee Table

Pledge Amount ($) Stripe Cut (%3.9 + $0.3) Kreosus Cut (%4) Amount Added to Balance Creator Real Percentage (%)
$1.00 $0.34 $0.03 $0.63 %63.46
$2.00 $0.38 $0.06 $1.56 %77.86
$3.00 $0.42 $0.10 $2.48 %82.66
$5.00 $0.50 $0.18 $4.32 %86.50
$8.00 $0.61 $0.30 $7.09 %88.66
$10.00 $0.69 $0.37 $8.94 %89.38
$20.00 $1.08 $0.76 $18.16 %90.82
$25.00 $1.28 $0.95 $22.78 %91.10
$50.00 $2.25 $1.91 $45.84 %91.68
$100.00 $4.20 $3.83 $91.97 %91.97
$250.00 $10.05 $9.60 $230.35 %92.14
$500.00 $19.80 $19.21 $460.99 %92.20
$1,000.00 $39.30 $38.43 $922.27 %92.23

Payout Fee Table

Total Pledge
Number of Transactions Average Pledge Total Stripe Cut
(%3.9 + $0.3)
Total Kreosus Cut
Kreosus Creator Balance TransferWise Cut
(%0.65 + $1.13)
Amount to Expect in Bank Creator Real Percentage
$100.00 20 $5.00 $9.90 $3.60 $86.50 $1.69 $84.80 %84.80
$100.00 25 $4.00 $11.40 $3.54 $85.06 $1.68 $83.37 %83.37
$500.00 25 $20.00 $27.00 $18.92 $454.08 $4.08 $450.00 %90.00
$500.00 50 $10.00 $34.50 $18.62 $446.88 $4.03 $442.85 %88.57
$500.00 100 $5.00 $49.50 $18.02 $432.48 $3.94 $428.54 %85.71
$1,000.00 50 $20.00 $54.00 $37.84 $908.16 $7.03 $901.13 %90.11
$1,000.00 100 $10.00 $69.00 $37.24 $893.76 $6.94 $886.82 %88.68
$1,000.00 200 $5.00 $99.00 $36.04 $864.96 $6.75 $858.21 %85.82
Geri Bildirim Gönder